
Preventing Strabismus in Adults: Expert Advice from Dr David Stager

Strabismus, a condition where one eye is turned in a different direction than the other, can significantly impact a person’s vision and overall eye health. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of strabismus or wish to avoid developing this condition, Dr David Stager offers valuable tips on prevention.

Wearing Glasses: A Key to Preventing Strabismus

Regular eye exams and wearing prescription glasses, if needed, are essential steps in preventing strabismus. Vision problems can contribute to the development of strabismus, as the eyes struggle to align properly when trying to focus. By maintaining good vision through regular eye check-ups and wearing glasses as prescribed, you can reduce the risk of strabismus and related eye issues.

Additionally, it is crucial to avoid prolonged periods of screen time, whether it be from televisions, computers, or other electronic devices. Extended exposure to screens can strain the eyes, potentially leading to eye discomfort and fatigue, which could increase the risk of developing strabismus.

Regular Eye Exams: The Key to Early Detection

Routine eye exams are not only vital for maintaining good vision but also for detecting potential eye conditions, including strabismus, at an early stage. During an eye exam, an ophthalmologist will thoroughly assess your eyes, checking for any signs of misalignment or other underlying issues.

By evaluating each pupil’s response to light and observing how your eyes move and work together, the ophthalmologist can identify any misalignment or muscle imbalance that may contribute to strabismus. Early detection through regular eye exams allows for timely intervention and appropriate management, which can significantly impact the outcome and prognosis.

Tips to Reduce Eye Strain and Prevent Strabismus

To further prevent strabismus and minimize eye strain, consider adopting these simple practices:

Maintain a comfortable distance from screens: Position yourself at a distance that allows you to comfortably view the screen without straining your eyes. Follow the “20-20-20” rule, taking a break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Ensure proper lighting: Adequate lighting in the environment is crucial for reducing eye strain. Avoid excessive glare from windows or overhead lights when using screens or reading.

Blink frequently: Remind yourself to blink regularly, especially when using digital devices, as it helps keep the eyes moist and reduces dryness and discomfort.

Take regular breaks: Give your eyes periodic rest by looking away from screens or focusing on distant objects. These breaks help reduce eye fatigue and maintain overall visual comfort.


Preventing strabismus in adults begins with proactive measures to maintain good eye health and minimize eye strain. Regular eye exams, wearing glasses if prescribed, and adopting healthy screen habits are essential steps in reducing the risk of strabismus and related vision issues. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise can further contribute to overall eye well-being. By following these tips and seeking professional eye care, individuals can take proactive control of their eye health and enjoy clear vision for years to come. Dr David Stager expert advice serves as a guide to promoting eye health and preventing strabismus, empowering individuals to safeguard their vision and maintain optimal eye function throughout adulthood.

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